About me

Hi, I'm Francesco Mugnai

/fran-che-sko mu-ɲɲa-i/

I work in web development, teaching, and technology dissemination.

I develop web projects that solve real problems. I teach technology to make it accessible to everyone.

Francesco Mugnai
Photo of Francesco Mugnai

Professional Experience

My career in the tech industry began during my university years, accumulating over two decades of experience that has led me to become a senior developer and instructor for international courses.

This journey has combined my passion for web development with a strong commitment to education, allowing me to offer cutting-edge solutions and learning experiences.

Diverse Project Experience

Throughout the years, I've collaborated with a variety of organizations and companies, developing highly customized projects ranging from artificial intelligence to digital training environments, from web applications to complex websites.

For over 15 years, I've been collaborating with INDIRE, the research institute of the Ministry of Education, contributing to the development of educational platforms used by tens of thousands of users, including teachers and school administrators. This work has allowed me to specialize in managing high-traffic projects with significant impact in the education sector.

Technical Expertise

On the technical front, I'm proficient in technologies such as Laravel, Livewire, and Filament (both v2 and v3). I have a deep understanding of TailwindCSS and work extensively with CMS platforms like Statamic.

My experience also extends to cloud infrastructure management and the development of optimized solutions.

Teaching and Community Involvement

Parallel to my work as a developer, I've been teaching technology, marketing, and communication courses at an international institute in Florence for over 18 years.

I've participated in several open source projects and non-profit initiatives, such as TEDxFirenze, and developed community tools like a Covid-19 tracker for Italy in 2020.

I strongly believe in the value of knowledge sharing and continue to contribute to the technology community through the release of open-source tools and products.

Some collaborations, present and past

For web projects, courses, events, workshops, design, advertising, and more

And the rest, you can find on LinkedIn →

Infinite possibilities