Privacy and Cookie Policy

Data Controller: Francesco Mugnai, for more information about the data controller please use the contact form

Contacts: [email protected]


Last update: 04/02/2024

Dear User,

This privacy policy serves to show you how the Data Controller (and any joint controllers) collect your personal data, how they protect this information, how they use and share it, and how you can directly contact the Data Controller to ask questions about privacy (and not only).


  1. Personal data
  2. Terms of use
  3. General and common provisions
  4. Methods of Processing Personal Data
  5. Purposes of Personal Data Processing and Legal Basis
  6. Duration of processing
  7. Place of Processing and Data Transfer Abroad
  8. Rights of data subjects
  9. Security measures adopted
  10. Cookies
  11. Content on external platforms
  12. Changes to this privacy policy

1. Personal data

By using and browsing this Website, or by filling out online forms or performing specific actions, some of your personal data may be collected by the Data Controller, i.e., information that could be used to identify you.

This data could include:

  • Data provided by you through the completion of online forms
  • Data we collect automatically while you browse the Website

2. Terms of use

By using our Site, you declare that you understand and meet the following requirements:

  • The right of withdrawal is applied only to European customers/consumers
  • There are no distinctions between consumers or professional users
  • All material and content are the exclusive property of the Data Controller and its licensors
  • It is forbidden to copy, download, share, modify or distribute the content without authorization

Copyright and intellectual property

  • Unless otherwise specified, all material and content are the exclusive property of the Data Controller and its licensors.
  • The Data Controller is committed to ensuring that the content does not violate applicable regulations or third-party rights.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all material and content are the exclusive property of the Data Controller and its licensors.
  • The Data Controller is committed to ensuring that the content does not violate applicable regulations or third-party rights.
  • It is forbidden to copy, download, share, modify, translate, process, publish, sell or distribute the content without authorization.
  • Where expressly indicated, the User is authorized to download, copy and/or share certain content only for personal and non-commercial purposes.

External Resources

Tramite l'utilizzo di questo Sito potresti avere accesso a contenuti ospitati su piattaforme esterne. Il Titolare non ha controllo su tali risorse e non risponde del loro contenuto o disponibilità.

Permitted Use

You can use the Site and related services only for the purposes for which they are offered, according to these terms and in compliance with applicable law. The Data Controller reserves the right to take measures to protect its legitimate interests in case of violations.

3. General and Common Provisions

If these terms are not respected or if the Data Controller or its appointees do not act immediately, this does not indicate that they are waiving any of the rights they could exercise. Consequently, no waiver can be considered definitive in reference to a specific right or any other right.

In some cases, the Data Controller may interrupt the Site/Service and, within the limits of the law, will endeavor to ensure that you can extract your personal data.

As a user, you are not in any way authorized to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit in ways not described by these terms the Site or the Service in whole or in part without prior written consent of the Data Controller.

All logos, graphic symbols or trademarks (of any kind) and any other distinctive sign, company name, service mark, illustration, image that appear in connection with this Site are and remain the exclusive property of the Data Controller or its licensors/partners/consultants and are protected under applicable law and international treaties relating to intellectual property.

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this page at any time and to provide appropriate notice of the changes in the date indicated at the beginning of the document. Such changes will affect the Data Controller-User relationship only for the future.

The use of the Site/Service implies your acceptance of the updated terms in this section.

If you do not wish to accept the changes, you must immediately cease using the Site/Service, and failure to accept such updated terms may result in the right of either party to terminate the agreement.

The Data Controller reserves the right to transfer, dispose of, novate, assign or even outsource each right (or even all rights and obligations) under these terms, while still taking into account your legitimate interests (while it is not your right and consequently you are not authorized to assign or transfer your rights and obligations of these terms without the written consent of the Data Controller).

In the event that some of the provisions of this agreement should be (or become) null or ineffective under applicable law, the nullity or ineffectiveness of such provisions will not render the remaining provisions ineffective or invalid (which therefore remain valid and effective for all purposes).

If they become null, invalid or ineffective, both parties will strive to identify a simple, cordial and absolutely friendly way to find a valid and equally effective provision to replace the one removed for the reasons listed above.

In case of disagreement, if permitted or provided for by applicable law, the aforementioned provision (removed) will be replaced by the applicable legal discipline. This does not result in the nullity of the entire agreement, unless the removed provision was of such importance that it would have pushed the parties to terminate the contract if they had known that the provision would be or would become invalid (in this case it would be an excessive and unacceptable burden for at least one of the parties).

All terms indicated by the agreement are governed by the law of the place where the Data Controller is established, regardless of conflict of law rules.

Only in the case where you, as a user, act as a European consumer and your habitual residence is in a country whose law provides for a higher level of consumer protection, then that higher level of protection would prevail.

The terms and conditions of use of the Site are governed by Italian law and for any dispute arising from or in connection with the terms and the agreement, the judge of the place where the Data Controller is established has jurisdiction, as indicated on this page (this point does not apply to European consumers or consumers located in Switzerland, Norway or Iceland).

That said, you can report any disputes and/or anomalies to the Data Controller, who will try to resolve them amicably.

The User can address a complaint to the Data Controller's email address by clicking the relevant button at the beginning of the document and the Data Controller will process the request without undue delay within 21 days of its receipt.

4. Methods of Personal Data Processing

We process the data you provide with the utmost care and always according to the most common principles of fairness, transparency, and protection of confidentiality in accordance with current regulations, adopting appropriate security measures to protect information and prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification.

The Processing is always carried out using IT, telematic, or analytical tools and with organizational methods related to the indicated purposes.

The Data Controller may also use digital communication channels (such as email and/or instant messaging systems) and telephone (calls, SMS, etc.) as well as postal channels to respond to users' questions or to contact them with direct authorization from the interested party.

Some of the data voluntarily provided by the user are:

  • The entirely optional and always explicit and voluntary sending of data through online forms or through the addresses indicated on this Website.
  • This action involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's personal data, which is necessary to respond to requests or to provide dedicated consultation.

Additional specific summary information will be reported as needed on the Website pages set up for particular services.

The personal data you provide when requesting documents or informational material (such as subscribing to a possible newsletter) are used solely and exclusively to perform the requested service or provision and are not subject to transfer or dissemination.

That said, no use of automated processing aimed at profiling you while browsing the Website is planned.

5. Purposes of Personal Data Processing and Legal Basis

The use of the few and possible personal data collected is often necessary to allow safe use of the Website and to receive assistance.

Below you will find some specific information on the purposes of the processing:

  • They allow you to navigate the website safely and improve the user experience. This is a fundamental point, we want to give you the best possible experience.
  • They allow us to comply with any type of obligation provided for by current laws, regulations, and all related regulations (and commercial uses) in tax and fiscal matters. Usually, this processing is mandatory to comply with a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject.
  • Some processing is optional and is based on your explicit consent (such as when you fill out our online forms or use integrated messaging tools). However, partial or failure to communicate one or more data (personal or not) will result in the impossibility of responding to the request for information and using the services offered by the Data Controller.
  • They allow us to carry out statistical analyses in a completely anonymous form on European servers (in compliance with GDPR). In particular, we use a statistics system called Fathom (, GDPR Compliant and extremely attentive to privacy (we don't even see the anonymized IP address!). These statistics allow us to analyze some of your behaviors and improve the Website as well as the services provided by the Data Controller.
  • They also serve other purposes that are ancillary and/or connected to those indicated above and in any case always falling within the scope of the Website's activities.

6. Duration of Processing

As expressly provided by Art. 5, paragraph 1, letter e) of the GDPR, data is stored only for the time necessary for processing in relation to the performance of the service you have directly requested or in reference to the purposes described in this document.

In detail:

  • Data we collect for contractual obligations will be stored for the time necessary to complete the aforementioned purposes and, in any case, as required by law.
  • Data collected for fiscal, administrative, or contractual obligations will be stored for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and, in any case, as required by law.
  • Data collected for purposes related to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be preserved until the satisfaction of this interest, and you can always obtain information about the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller by contacting them directly at the email address listed above.
  • Data collected based on your consent may be stored until you voluntarily decide to revoke it (see below).
  • Finally, data may be stored by the Data Controller for a longer period in compliance with legal obligations or by direct order of an authority.

At the end of the retention period, the data will be permanently deleted and consequently, the rights of access, cancellation, rectification, and portability of the data can no longer be exercised.

7. Place of Processing and Data Transfer Abroad

The Data Controller is based in Italy and the processing of personal data is carried out in the territory of the State of Italy.

The Data Controller may transfer personal data to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, in particular to countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

The Data Controller is committed to ensuring that the transfer of personal data to a country or territory outside the European Union or the European Economic Area is subject to appropriate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data.

8. Rights of Data Subjects

La legge, secondo quanto previsto dagli articoli 7, 15-22 del Reg. Europeo 679/2016, ti riconosce il diritto di controllare quali sono i tuoi dati raccolti dal Sito web, come vengono gestiti e di limitarne anche l'eventualmente uso.

Ricordati che puoi esercitare questi diritti in qualsiasi momento rivolgendoti direttamente Titolare.

Alcuni diritti che puoi esercitare:

  • Right of access (Article 15, GDPR): You can ask us to confirm the existence of your personal data and, if so, you can access their content and obtain a copy.
  • Right to rectification (Article 16, GDPR): You can, at any time, ask us to update, modify and/or correct your personal data. You can also supplement inaccurate data by providing a supplementary statement.
  • Right to erasure (Article 17, GDPR): You can request the deletion of personal data in the cases provided for by the regulation and current legislation. If your request falls within this category and the data is managed directly by the Website, we will proceed with immediate deletion and if this is not possible for purely technical reasons, we will commit to making them irreversibly anonymous.
  • Right to withdraw consent (Article 7, GDPR): You can withdraw your consent at any time (with future effect).
  • Right to data portability (Article 20, GDPR): Within the limits provided by the regulation, you can receive a copy of the data you provided in structured and commonly used formats. If technically feasible, you can also request that this information be transmitted to another Data Controller.
  • Right to object (Article 21, GDPR): In certain circumstances (as indicated by current legislation) you can object to the processing of data.

Le richieste di modifica e/o cancellazione dei dati restano in ogni caso subordinate agli obblighi di legge, ai regolamenti in materia di conservazione dei dati.

9. Adopted Security Measures

This Website, to ensure secure navigation and particularly when Personal Data is entered, has an SSL certificate and uses the HTTPS protocol. Thanks to the use of this protocol, transactions and data are transmitted with maximum security, and the content of the communication is not read or manipulated by third parties.

Where possible, we ensure that data travels directly from the user to the Data Controller, without passing through third parties (still in compliance with GDPR).

We avoid saving as much data as possible on the server so that if it were, unfortunately, attacked by hackers, they would not find useful information anyway.

That said, the Site is equipped with DNS-level firewall and tries to automatically block threats and hacking attempts.

The CMS platform is constantly updated, and we try, as much as possible, to use the least number of external tools.

The server is located in Europe and is hosted by one of the best server farms in the world.

For maintenance and debugging purposes, this Website and any third-party services it uses may collect system logs (small text files that record interactions and may also contain your IP address and other personal data).

The Website does not support "Do Not Track" requests (however, we invite you to consult the privacy policies of third-party services to find out if they support them).

10. Cookie

This Website uses cookies.

You probably already know what they are: small text files that websites can use to improve user experience, personalize content, provide some social features, and analyze traffic.

They have multiple purposes and different characteristics, and could be used both by the Website you're visiting and by third parties.

If you don't authorize certain cookies (called "technical" cookies), you might have difficulty navigating the site or viewing its contents.

Your choices regarding the Site's cookies are recorded in a specific technical cookie, so you don't have to reselect them on each visit. However, this cookie might not work correctly in some circumstances, so we recommend manually deleting unwanted cookies or blocking their use through your browser's functionalities.

In the following section, we indicate the cookies used by the website.

11. Content on External Platforms

Some scripts and services allow the display of content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Website and to interact with them.

If one of these services is installed, there is a possibility that the same tool (regardless of the Data Controller's will) may collect traffic data related to the pages where it is installed.

This Website frequently changes the use of these tools and tries, where possible, to reduce their use.

Below are some examples of services used:

  • Cloudflare: DNS optimization and traffic distribution service provided by CloudFlare Inc. CloudFlare usually filters the traffic of this Site, i.e., the communications between this Site and your browser, also allowing the possible anonymous collection of statistical data.
  • Google Fonts: Font style display service provided by Google Ireland Limited that allows this Website to integrate such content within its pages.
  • Fathom Analytics (Conva Ventures Inc.): Completely anonymous analysis and statistics service provided by Conva Ventures Inc. that allows the Data Controller to know the usage of the website. The collected data is anonymized using hashing techniques.
  • Contact Form: By filling out the contact form with your data, you consent to their use to respond to requests for information, quotes, consultations, or any other nature indicated on the form page itself.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by updating this page, which we kindly ask you to consult frequently (always referring to the date of last modification indicated at the beginning).

If you do not wish to accept the changes made to this Privacy Policy, you are required to cease using this Website and you can request the Data Controller to remove your personal data.

In all other cases, the previous Privacy Policy will continue to apply to your personal data collected up to the date indicated.

The Data Controller cannot be held responsible in any way for updating the links (internal but especially external) present in the Privacy Policy. Consequently, whenever you find a non-functioning and/or outdated link, we kindly ask you to always refer to the document and/or section of the websites referenced by that link.